2.2.2. Standards and guidelines
Additional materials
- [open-access guidelines] Anffas Onlus (n.d.). Linguaggio facile da leggere. Linee Guida. [in Italian]
- [open-access guidelines] Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS). (2014). Leichte Sprache. Ein Ratgeber. [in German]
- [open-acess booklet] Maaß, C. (n.d.). Leichte Sprache. Forschungsstelle Leichte Sprache. [in German]
- [open-access guidelines] Netzwerk Leichte Sprache. (2013). Die Regeln für Leichte Sprache. [in German]
- [open-access online presentation] Serra, E. (2021, January 27). Easy-to-read Association. From reading promotion to cognitive accessibility. EASIT Multiplier Event 5. Workshop: EASIT project training materials, Barcelona, Spain. [in English]
- [open-access online presentation] Delgado, C. (2021, January 27). Normas UNE sobre Lectura Fácil. Oportunidades y retos. EASIT Multiplier Event 5. Workshop: EASIT project training materials, Barcelona, Spain. [in Spanish, subtitles in English]
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