Reading List
ELEMENT 1. Processes
- [open-access research article] Arias-Badia, B., & Fernández-Torné, A. (2020). El experto en lenguaje fácil de comprender: un nuevo perfil educativo y profesional en el ámbito de la lengua española. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, 12, 295–312. [in Spanish]
- [open-access research article] Bernabé, R., & Orero, P. (2019). Easy to read as multimode accessibility service. Hermeneus, 21, 53-74. [in English]
- [open-access research article] Bernabé, R. (2020). New taxonomy of easy-to-understand access services. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, 12, 345-380. [in English]
- [book] Conboy, M. (2007). The language of the News. Routledge. [in English]
- [book] Cotter, C. (2010). News talk: Investigating the language of journalism. Cambridge University Press. [in English]
- [book] Kovach, B., & Rosentiel, T. (2014). The elements of journalism: What newspeople should know and the public should expect. Three Rivers Press (CA). [in English]
- [book] Perego, E. (2020). Accessible communication: A cross-country journey. Frank & Timme. [in English]
- [book] Romero-Fresco, P. (2019). Accessible filmmaking: Integrating translation and accessibility into the filmmaking process. Routledge. [in English]
- [book] Sisson, H. (2006). Practical journalism: How to write news. SAGE. [in English]
- [book] Smith, A., & Higgins, M. (2020). The language of journalism: A multi-genre perspective (2nd ed.). Bloomsbury Academic. [in English]
- [open-access legal document] United Nations (UN). (2006). The convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and its optional protocol (A/RES/61/106). [multiple languages]
- [open-access MA thesis] Heikkinen, L. (2014). Listen and understand. Plain language features and issues affecting intelligibility in radio news. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Vaasa. [in Finnish]
ELEMENT 2. Linguistic aspects
- [book] Bredel, U., & Maaß, C. (2016). Leichte Sprache: Theoretische Grundlagen. Orientierung für die Praxis. Duden. [in German]
- [book] De Mauro, T. (2019). Guida all'uso delle parole. Parlare e scrivere semplice e preciso per capire e farsi capire. Laterza. [in Italian]
- [book] Gargiulo, M. L., & Arezzo, A. (2017). Come rendere comprensibile un testo. Guida per educatori ed insegnanti alle prese con persone con bisogni speciali. FrancoAngeli. [in Italian]
- [book chapter] Maaß, C. & Hernández Garrido, S. (in press). Easy
and Plain Language in audiovisual translation. In S. Hansen-Schirra
& C. Maaß (Eds.). Easy language research: Text and user perspectives. Frank & Timme. [in English] - [open-access research article] Fajardo, I., Ferrer, A., Tavares, G., Goméz, M., & Hernández, A. (2013). Easy‐to‐read Texts for Students with Intellectual Disability: Linguistic Factors Affecting Comprehension, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (JARID), 7(3), 212–225. [in English]
ELEMENT 3. Technical aspects
- [book] Alysen, B. (2000). The Electronic Reporter: Broadcast Journalism in Australia. Deakin University Press. [in English]
- [book] Boyd, A. (2001). Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio and Television News. Taylor & Francis. [in English]
- [open-access report] European Broadcasting Union (EBU). (2011). Signal quality in HDTV production and broadcast services: Guidelines for technical, operational & creative staff on how to achieve and maintain sufficient technical quality along the production chain (EBU R132). [in English]
- [open-access report] European Broadcasting Union (EBU). (2020). Loudness normalisation and permitted maximum level of audio signals (EBU R128). [in English]
- [open-access PhD thesis] Herbert, J. C. (1988). Broadcast speech and the effect of voice quality on the listener: A study of the various components which categorise listener perception of vocal characteristics. University of Sheffield. [in English]