'MindsEye-UK' audio description:
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A beach under the pale sunshine. A couple walk by with a big black dog. A jogger runs the other way. The dog stops to sniff the sand. Its owner beckons the dog to come. It trots after them.
Caption: What happens while – blank.
A car pulls up by the beach, silver with sporty wheels. Inside the driver is on his mobile phone.
He undoes his seat belt. Opens the door. Gets out with his briefcase.
He puts his case in the boot, gets out a striped bag.
He ends the call. Puts his phone away. Looks out towards the sea. Takes a deep breath.
Puts on his sunglasses. He has ginger hair and a beard.
Caption: James, the businessman. James walks near the beach, talking on his phone
James lies back on the beach, barechested.
He rubs his eyes, no longer wearing his sunglasses.
He trickles the sand through his fingers.
He sits up and answers.
he looks round at the sound.
again, he looks around.
He ends the call, looks round, frowning deeply. He stands, in his trunks, walks out towards the sea. In the distance are the buildings of a town. Back out onto the sand, frowning as if trying to determine what the sound is and where it is coming from.
Beyond him the buildings are silhouetted against a hazy sky.
Waves break onto rocks on the shore.
He heads towards the water.
He turns. He has pale skin, greying hairs on his chest.
He walks back along the beach to his clothes, passing small boats out at sea. He stoops, picks up his shirt, pulls it on.
A few moments later he walks along a path, in his suit and shirt.
He climbs a winding path up a cliffside, picking his way, in his business shoes. A takeaway coffee cup in a man’s hands; fingers tap. A bearded grey haired man with heavy green eyes. He has a chain around his neck, tattoos on his shoulder, wears a vest. He shakes his head. He runs his finger round the lid, removes it, and sips the black coffee.
Caption: Rick, the retiree. Rick sits on a park bench, in the sunshine. He drinks the coffee, tapping his foot.
He puts the cup down, rubs his hands, claps them, takes his mobile phone from his back trouser pocket, scrolls through the contacts. He selects a Craig Anderson and presses call icon.
He frowns at the sound.
He looks up, listening.
He stands; he sets off, leaving his coffee cup on the bench. He walks towards the trees looking around him.
A young woman with crinkly red hair.
She chews on a pencil. Caption: Jess the student. She puts down her pencil, searches for her phone on her desk, beside her Macbook laptop.
She ends the call. She looks around, frowning, listening.
She gets up, goes outside. She wears a warm coat with fur-trimmed hood, a patterned scarf around her neck. She climbs up the hillside, past trees and long grasses, pausing to look around her.
She arrives on a plateau on the hillside, near to James and Rick. The sun shines down brightly on the three small figures.
The speaker can’tt be seen.
The three stand there, blinking in the sunshine, peering to see who is speaking.
James frowns.
Their shadows are cast long.
Rick shrugs, hand to his head.
The wind blows his wiry hair.
Each of them shakes their head, James, Rick Jess.
They look around.
Rick laughs.
James waves his hands dismissively.
Rick sets off with James. Jessica thinks for a moment, gives a “why not” smile and runs to join them. They walk away from us towards the path through the trees, the men’s arms around Jessica’s shoulders.
The screen goes black. A young woman, her mobile phone pressed to her ear. Subtitle : No I couldn’t . I have to finish, really. She hangs washing on a line title: No! What are you talking about? Of course yes, our luggage is ready. She turns at the high-pitched sound. title: Listen, I can’t talk right now. I have to leave you. She ends the call , looks around her frowning. Caption: Zoe, the next one. Caption: What happens while – blank.