urn:nl-mpi-tools-elan-eaf:d4ddb57b-deea-4006-95dc-4038f7c8124f 8039
On an overcast day, a man and a woman walk by the seaside with a large, lanky dog. A jogger passes them in the opposite direction. The dog pauses to sniff the ground and trots onwards. Black text on a white screen appears, reading: 'What happens while', followed by a long black line. A man in a suit and tie and talking on a cellphone pulls up by the seaside in a white BMW. Pocketing his cellphone, the bearded man chucks his briefcase in the boot of his car and dons a pair of aviator sunglasses. White text reads: James, The businessman. Later, James makes another call. Later, a shirtless James lies back on his beach towel on the sand. Looking weary, he places his hands on his eyes, then trails his fingers through the pale sand. Frowning, James sits up. He looks distracted. James hangs up, then with his brow furrowed, he stands, wearing only his boxer briefs, on the seemingly deserted beach. He walks near the calm water's edge, scanning the horizon. Looking pertured, James continues looking away from the water, his eyes darting. He ambles back to his pile of clothes and puts on his grey business shirt. Later, now fully clothed, James marches down a street lined with leafy trees. He slowly makes his way up a steep, craggy slope with dry vegetation. A man taps his finger on a takeaway coffee cup. Wearing a singlet, the man has a greying beard and frizzy hair. He gives a wry smile and looks down. He traces his finger around the white plastic lid, then removes it. Examining the dark liquid contents, he holds the cup to his mouth, pauses, then takes a sip. White text reads: Rick, The retiree. Rick sits on a wooden chair in a leafy urban park. Hejiggles his knee as he continues sipping his drink. With a shake of his head, he places the cup on a seat next to him then claps his hands together. Taking his phone from his back trouser pocket, Rick scrolls through his contact list. He presses the screen to call Craig Anderson and holds the phone to his ear. Rick looks up, confused. Rick frowns. Pocketing his phone, Rick gets up and leaves his takeaway cup on the seat. He casts his eyes skyward as he walks away. A woman with tightly curled brunette hair holds a penci!to her mouth. A woman with tightly curled brunette hair holds a penci!to her mouth. White text reads: Jess, The student. Checking behind her laptop, Jess locates her phone under a pile of papers. Jess disconnects the call and looks around, her eyes roving. Later, Jess is outside, making her way through the grassy foliage on a slope before trotting out of sight. Jess emerges on to a dry plateau under a cloudless sky where Rick and James stand. James gives a small shrug, and Rick gestures to his ear. James nods. Jess' eyes widen. James shields his eyes as he looks up into the harsh sunlight. The trio glances at each other, and Rick and Jess shake their heads. Rick raises his arms. James shakes his palms. Rick follows him. After a moment's thought, Jess also follows. She jogs to catch up and falls in line between Rick and James, who put an arm around her shoulders. The trio head off the plateau and towards the scrub. Cut to black. A woman is on the phone while pegging out washing. Subtitles read: No, I couldn't. I have to finish, really. No! What are you talking about? Of course, yes, our luggage is ready. Listen, I cannot talk right now. I have to leave you. White text reads: Zoe, The next one. On an overcast day, a man and a woman walk by the seaside with a large, lanky dog A jogger passes them in the opposite direction The dog pauses to sniff the ground and trots onwards Black text on a white screen appears, reading: 'What happens while', followed by a long black line A man in a suit and tie and talking on a cellphone pulls up by the seaside in a white BMW Pocketing his cellphone, the bearded man chucks his briefcase in the boot of his car and dons a pair of aviator sunglasses White text reads: James, The businessman Later, James makes another call Later, a shirtless James lies back on his beach towel on the sand Looking weary, he places his hands on his eyes, then trails his fingers through the pale sand Frowning, James sits up He looks distracted James hangs up, then with his brow furrowed, he stands, wearing only his boxer briefs, on the seemingly deserted beach He walks near the calm water's edge, scanning the horizon Looking pertured, James continues looking away from the water, his eyes darting He ambles back to his pile of clothes and puts on his grey business shirt Later, now fully clothed, James marches down a street lined with leafy trees He slowly makes his way up a steep, craggy slope with dry vegetation A man taps his finger on a takeaway coffee cup Wearing a singlet, the man has a greying beard and frizzy hair He gives a wry smile and looks down He traces his finger around the white plastic lid, then removes it Examining the dark liquid contents, he holds the cup to his mouth, pauses, then takes a sip White text reads: Rick, The retiree Rick sits on a wooden chair in a leafy urban park Hejiggles his knee as he continues sipping his drink With a shake of his head, he places the cup on a seat next to him then claps his hands together Taking his phone from his back trouser pocket, Rick scrolls through his contact list He presses the screen to call Craig Anderson and holds the phone to his ear Rick looks up, confused Rick frowns Pocketing his phone, Rick gets up and leaves his takeaway cup on the seat He casts his eyes skyward as he walks away A woman with tightly curled brunette hair holds a penci to her mouth A woman with tightly curled brunette hair holds a penci to her mouth White text reads: Jess, The student Checking behind her laptop, Jess locates her phone under a pile of papers Jess disconnects the call and looks around, her eyes roving Later, Jess is outside, making her way through the grassy foliage on a slope before trotting out of sight Jess emerges on to a dry plateau under a cloudless sky where Rick and James stand James gives a small shrug, and Rick gestures to his ear James nods Jess' eyes widen James shields his eyes as he looks up into the harsh sunlight The trio glances at each other, and Rick and Jess shake their heads Rick raises his arms James shakes his palms Rick follows him After a moment's thought, Jess also follows She jogs to catch up and falls in line between Rick and James, who put an arm around her shoulders The trio head off the plateau and towards the scrub Cut to black A woman is on the phone while pegging out washing Subtitles read: No, I couldn't I have to finish, really No What are you talking about Of course, yes, our luggage is ready Listen, I cannot talk right now I have to leave you White text reads: Zoe, The next one On an overcast day , a man and a woman walk by the seaside with a large , lanky dog . A jogger passes them in the opposite direction . The dog pauses to sniff the ground and trots onwards . Black text on a white screen appears , reading : ` What happens while ' , followed by a long black line . A man in a suit and tie and talking on a cellphone pulls_up by the seaside in a white BMW . Pocketing his cellphone , the bearded man chucks his briefcase in the boot of his car and dons a pair of aviator sunglasses . White text reads : James , The businessman . Later , James makes another call . Later , a shirtless James lies_back on his beach towel on the sand . Looking weary , he places his hands on his eyes , then trails his fingers through the pale sand . Frowning , James sits_up . He looks distracted . James hangs_up , then with his brow furrowed , he stands , wearing only his boxer briefs , on the seemingly deserted beach . He walks near the calm water 's edge , scanning the horizon . Looking perturbed , James continues looking_away from the water , his eyes darting . He ambles_back to his pile of clothes and puts_on his grey business shirt . Later , now fully clothed , James marches down a street lined with leafy trees . He slowly makes his way up a steep , craggy slope with dry vegetation . A man taps his finger on a takeaway coffee cup . Wearing a singlet , the man has a greying beard and frizzy hair . He gives a wry smile and looks_down . He traces his finger around the white plastic lid , then removes it . Examining the dark liquid contents , he holds the cup to his mouth , pauses , then takes a sip . White text reads : Rick , The retiree . Rick sits on a wooden chair in a leafy urban park . Hejiggles his knee as he continues sipping his drink . With a shake of his head , he places the cup on a seat next to him then claps his hands together . Taking his phone from his back trouser pocket , Rick scrolls through his contact list . He presses the screen to call Craig_Anderson and holds the phone to his ear . Rick looks_up , confused . Rick frowns . Pocketing his phone , Rick gets_up and leaves his takeaway cup on the seat . He casts his eyes skyward as he walks_away . A woman with tightly curled brunette hair holds a pencil to her mouth . White text reads : Jess , The student . Checking behind her laptop , Jess locates her phone under a pile of papers . Jess disconnects the call and looks_around , her eyes roving . Later , Jess is outside , making her way through the grassy foliage on a slope before trotting_out of sight . Jess emerges on to a dry plateau under a cloudless sky where Rick and James stand . James gives a small shrug , and Rick gestures to his ear . James nods . Jess ' eyes widen . James shields his eyes as he looks_up into the harsh sunlight . The trio glances at each other , and Rick and Jess shake their heads . Rick raises his arms . James shakes his palms . Rick follows him . After a moment 's thought , Jess also follows . She jogs to catch_up and falls in line between Rick and James , who put an arm around her shoulders . The trio head_off the plateau and towards the scrub . Cut to black . A woman is on the phone while pegging_out washing . Subtitles read : No , I could n't . I have to finish , really . No ! What are you talking about ? Of course , yes , our luggage is ready . Listen , I can not talk right now . I have to leave you . White text reads : Zoe , The next one . IN DT JJ NN , DT NN CC DT NN VBP IN DT NN IN DT JJ , JJ NN . DT NN VBZ PRP IN DT JJ NN . DT NN VBZ TO VB DT NN CC VBZ RB . JJ NN IN DT JJ NN VBZ , VBG : `` WP VBZ IN '' , JJ IN DT JJ JJ NN . DT NN IN DT NN CC NN CC VBG IN DT NN VBZ IN DT NN IN DT JJ NNP . VBG PRP$ NN , DT JJ NN VBZ PRP$ NN IN DT NN IN PRP$ NN CC VBZ DT NN IN NN NNS . JJ NN VBZ : NNP , DT NN . RB , NNP VBZ DT NN . RB , DT JJ NNP VBZ IN PRP$ NN NN IN DT NN . VBG JJ , PRP VBZ PRP$ NNS IN PRP$ NNS , RB VBZ PRP$ NNS IN DT JJ NN . VBG , NNP VBZ . PRP VBZ VBN . NNP VBZ , RB IN PRP$ NN VBN , PRP VBZ , VBG RB PRP$ NN NNS , IN DT RB JJ NN . PRP VBZ IN DT JJ NN POS NN , VBG DT NN . VBG VBN , NNP VBZ VBG IN DT NN , PRP$ NNS VBG . PRP VBZ TO PRP$ NN IN NNS CC VBZ PRP$ JJ NN NN . RB , RB RB VBN , NNP VBZ RB DT NN JJ IN JJ NNS . PRP RB VBZ PRP$ NN IN DT JJ , JJ NN IN JJ NNS . DT NN VBZ PRP$ NN IN DT JJ NN NN . VBG DT NN , DT NN VBZ DT JJ NN CC JJ NN . PRP VBZ DT JJ NN CC VBZ . PRP VBD PRP$ NN IN DT JJ JJ NN , RB VBZ PRP . VBG DT JJ JJ NNS , PRP VBZ DT NN TO PRP$ NN , VBZ , RB VBZ DT NN . JJ NN VBZ : NNP , DT NN . NNP VBZ IN DT JJ NN IN DT JJ JJ NN . VB PRP$ NN IN PRP VBZ VBG PRP$ NN . IN DT NN IN PRP$ NN , PRP VBZ DT NN IN DT NN IN TO PRP RB VBZ PRP$ NNS RB . VBG PRP$ NN IN PRP$ JJ NN NN , NNP VBZ IN PRP$ NN NN . PRP VBZ DT NN TO VB NNP CC VBZ DT NN TO PRP$ NN . NNP VBZ , VBN . NNP VBZ . VBG PRP$ NN , NNP VBZ CC VBZ PRP$ JJ NN IN DT NN . PRP VBZ PRP$ NNS RB IN PRP VBZ . DT NN IN RB JJ JJ NN VBZ DT NN TO PRP$ NN . JJ NN VBZ : NNP , DT NN . VBG IN PRP$ NN , NNP VBZ PRP$ NN IN DT NN IN NNS . NNP VBZ DT NN CC VBZ , PRP$ NNS JJ . RB , NNP VBZ RB , VBG PRP$ NN IN DT JJ NN IN DT NN IN VBG IN NN . NNP VBZ IN TO DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN WRB NNP CC NNP VBP . NNP VBZ DT JJ NN , CC NNP NNS TO PRP$ NN . NNP VBZ . NNP POS NNS VBN . NNP VBZ PRP$ NNS IN PRP VBZ IN DT JJ NN . DT NN VBZ IN DT DT , CC NNP CC NNP VBP PRP$ NNS . NNP VBZ PRP$ NNS . NNP VBZ PRP$ NNS . NNP VBZ PRP . IN DT NN POS NN , NNP RB VBZ . PRP VBZ TO VB CC VBZ IN NN IN NNP CC NNP , WP VBP DT NN IN PRP$ NNS . DT NN VBP DT NN CC IN DT NN . NN TO JJ . DT NN VBZ IN DT NN IN VBG NN . NNS VBP : UH , PRP MD RB . PRP MD TO VB , RB . UH . WP VBP PRP VBG IN . IN NN , UH , PRP$ NN VBZ JJ . VB , PRP MD RB VB RB RB . PRP MD TO VB PRP . JJ NN VBZ : NNP , DT JJ NN . on an overcast day , a man and a woman walk by the seaside with a large , lanky dog . a jogger pass them in the opposite direction . the dog pause to sniff the ground and trot onwards . black text on a white screen appear , read : ` what happen while ' , followed by a long black line . a man in a suit and tie and talk on a cellphone pull_up by the seaside in a white bmw . pocket his cellphone , the bearded man chuck his briefcase in the boot of his car and don a pair of aviator sunglasse . white text read : james , the businessman . later , james make another call . later , a shirtless james lie_back on his beach towel on the sand . look weary , he place his hand on his eye , then trail his finger through the pale sand . frown , james sit_up . he look distracted . james hang_up , then with his brow furrowed , he stand , wear only his boxer brief , on the seemingly deserted beach . he walk near the calm water 's edge , scan the horizon . look perturbed , james continue look_away from the water , his eye dart . he amble_back to his pile of cloth and put_on his grey busines shirt . later , now fully clothed , james march down a street lined with leafy tree . he slowly make his way up a steep , craggy slope with dry vegetation . a man tap his finger on a takeaway coffee cup . wear a singlet , the man have a greying beard and frizzy hair . he give a wry smile and look_down . he trace his finger around the white plastic lid , then remove it . examine the dark liquid content , he hold the cup to his mouth , pause , then take a sip . white text read : rick , the retiree . rick sit on a wooden chair in a leafy urban park . hejiggle his knee as he continue sip his drink . with a shake of his head , he place the cup on a seat next to him then clap his hand together . take his phone from his back trouser pocket , rick scroll through his contact list . he presse the screen to call craig_anderson and hold the phone to his ear . rick look_up , confused . rick frown . pocket his phone , rick get_up and leave his takeaway cup on the seat . he cast his eye skyward as he walk_away . a woman with tightly curled brunette hair hold a pencil to her mouth . white text read : jess , the student . check behind her laptop , jess locate her phone under a pile of paper . jess disconnect the call and look_around , her eye roving . later , jess be outside , make her way through the grassy foliage on a slope before trot_out of sight . jess emerge on to a dry plateau under a cloudless sky where rick and james stand . james give a small shrug , and rick gesture to his ear . james nod . jess ' eye widen . james shield his eye as he look_up into the harsh sunlight . the trio glance at each other , and rick and jess shake their head . rick raise his arm . james shake his palm . rick follow him . after a moment 's thought , jess also follow . she jog to catch_up and fall in line between rick and james , who put an arm around her shoulder . the trio head_off the plateau and towards the scrub . cut to black . a woman be on the phone while peg_out washing . subtitle read : no , I could n't . I have to finish , really . no ! what be you talk about ? of course , yes , our luggage be ready . listen , I can not talk right now . I have to leave you . white text read : zoe , the next one . Black text on a white screen reads: 'What happens while', followed by a long black line. Credits appear. Directed by Nuria Nia. Director of Photography:Albert Badia. Sound designer:Enrique G Bermejo. Make Up Artist: Laia Teixido. Assistant Director: Marta Aguade Forrellad. Edited by Nuria Nia. Produced by TransMedia Catalonia and La Panoramica. James played by James Humber. Rick: Rick Zingale. Jess:Jessica Alvarez. Zoe:Adeline Flaun. Audio Description by Able. - - A-RadiatingLight Time - - Human - - Human Walking - - Location - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Animal - - Human Motion - - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Location - - Animal Motion - Smelling - Location - Walking Location - A-ColorAttribute FilmLanguage - - A-ColorAttribute FilmLanguage Process - Communication - - - Process - - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute A-ColorAttribute FilmLanguage - - Human - - Clothing - Clothing - Communication - - Object Motion - - Location - - A-ColorAttribute - - Putting - Object - - A-BodyPart Human Putting - Object - - Location - - - - Dressing - - - - Clothing - A-ColorAttribute FilmLanguage Communication - Human - - Human - Time - Human Process - - - Time - - A-Dressing Human BodyMotion - - Location Object - - Location - Seeing A-StateOfMind - - BodyMotion - BodyPart - - BodyPart - Time BodyMotion - BodyPart - - A-ColorAttribute Location - Gesture - Human BodyMotion - - Seeing A-StateOfMind - Human Process - Time - - BodyPart A-Gesture - - PositionalAttribute - Dressing - - Clothing Clothing - - - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Location - - Walking - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - - Location - IntentionalPsychologicalProcess - Location - Seeing A-StateOfMind - Human Aux Seeing - - - - - BodyPart Seeing - - Walking - - - - Clothing - Dressing - A-ColorAttribute - Clothing - Time - Time - A-Dressing - Human Walking - - Location A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Vegetable - - - Process - Location - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Location - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Vegetable - - Human Touching - BodyPart - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - Object - Dressing - Clothing - - Human possesses - A-ColorAttribute BodyPart - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute BodyPart - - Gesture - A-StateOfMind Gesture - Seeing - - BodyMotion - BodyPart Time - A-ColorAttribute A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Object - Time Putting - - IntentionalPsychologicalProcess - A-ColorAttribute A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - - - Touching - Object - - BodyPart - Motion - Time Drinking - Drinking - A-ColorAttribute FilmLanguage Communication - Human - - Human - Human BodyMotion - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Object - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute A-PositionalAttribute Location - BodyMotion - BodyPart - - Aux Drinking - - - - - Gesture - - BodyPart - - Putting - Object - - Object - - - Time BodyMotion - BodyPart - - Touching - Object - - A-PositionalAttribute Clothing Clothing - Human Touching - - - - - - Touching - Object - Communication Human - Touching - Object - - BodyPart - Human Seeing - A-StateOfMind - Human Gesture - Putting - Object - Human BodyMotion - Putting - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Object - - Object - - Seeing - BodyPart - - - Walking - - Human - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute A-ColorAttribute BodyPart Touching - Object - - BodyPart - A-ColorAttribute FilmLanguage Communication - Human - - Human - IntentionalPsychologicalProcess - - Object - Human IntentionalPsychologicalProcess - Object - - - - Object - Human Process - - - Seeing - - BodyPart A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - Time - Human located Location - Process - Location - - A-Vegetable Vegetable - - Location - Walking - Gesture - Human Motion - - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Location - - A-RadiatingLight Location - Human - Human PositionalAttribute - Human Gesture - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute Gesture - - Human Gesture - - BodyPart - Human Gesture - Human - BodyPart A-PositionalAttribute - Human BodyMotion - BodyPart - - Seeing - - A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute RadiatingLight - - Human Seeing - - - - - Human - Human Gesture - BodyPart - Human BodyMotion - BodyPart - Human BodyMotion - RadiatingSound - Human Process - - - - Time - IntentionalPsychologicalProcess - Human - Process - - Walking - Motion - Motion - - - Human - Human - - Putting - BodyPart Time - BodyPart - - Human Motion - Location - - - Vegetable - FilmLanguage - A-ColorAttribute - - Human located - - Object - BodyMotion - - FilmLanguage Communication - - - - - - - - Aux - Process - - - - - - Aux - Communication - - - - - - - - Object Aux A-SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute - Hearing - - - - Communication - Time - - Aux - Motion - - A-ColorAttribute FilmLanguage Communication - Human - - A-PositionalAttribute - - Part of Speech adj int v n prep art det pro con adv part post dem Focus of the Audio Description physical description scene charcter action emotion Gesture phases part.retraction hold stroke preparation