Metadata for the audio description file 'Plurals-CA'
- title: Plurals-CA version of "What Happens While"
- creator: Plurals
- language: CA
- source: WHW-CA-Pr/Plurals-CA
- movie: "What Happens While"
- corpus: WHW-CA-Pr
- identifier:
- expertise: professional
Files and visualizations
For each AD, the .eaf file plus a number of additional files and visualizations are provided.
To access the source video and the
corresponding AD, please go to the project website
- HTML version of the .eaf file Plurals-CA.html
- .eaf (XML) file which can be imported in ELAN go...
- Simple string search go...
- AD unit, sentence and word countings: this provides some figures about AD units,
sentences and words in the file go...
- Word frequency by part of speech you can see words' frequency by part of speech tag go...
- AD duration in the timeline (duration: time in seconds) go....
Together with scene information go...
- AD length in the timeline (length: number of words) go...
Together with scene information go...
- AD density in the timeline (density: characters/second) go...
Together with scene information go...
- 20 top most frequent verbs/semclass go...
- Verbs & semantic classes: you can inspect verbal semantic classes go...
- Nouns & semantic classes: you can inspect noun semantic classes go...
- Adjectives & semantic classes: you can inspect adjectival semantic classes go...
- Adverbs & semantic classes: you can inspect adverbial semantic classes go...