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Basic Guide for Communication in Catalan Sign Language

5.5. Interrogative Phrases in LSC

Through questions, or interrogations, we ask if a proposition is false or true. In LSC, interrogative phrases include more markers than the other two types of sentences. These markers affect the whole sentence. If we do not express them, the phrase is understood as being affirmative, since the order of its components is the same.

Here we will see two types of interrogative phrases corresponding to two possible answers:

  • Absolute interrogative phrases.

    In this case, the signer awaits a yes or no answer. When expressing an absolute interrogative we must raise our eyebrows, slightly tilt our head, shoulders and body forward and look directly at the person we are communicating with. Let’s see a few examples:

  • Relative interrogative phrases.

    In this case, the signer is interested in learning about a specific type of information. The question will be expressed using the following signs:


Non-manual markers are equally important here as in the previous case. However, here we need to furrow our eyebrows, slightly tilt our head and raise our shoulders, and look at the other person while we await a reply. Let’s practice with the following examples, in which the markers are expressed at the end of the phrase to emphasise the question:

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